Happy Wednesday everyone! This is Amy and we’re taking June to focus on treatments for your kiddos. Lately, I’ve had several young clients struggling with abdominal issues and constipation. First, let me take this opportunity to say emphatically – PLEASE DO NOT EVER, FOR ANY REASON, GIVE YOUR CHILD MIRALAX! I am gathering more data and research, of which there is plenty, but there is significant evidence that it can and often does cause behavioral and neurological changes, especially in children. The label on the bottle even says for adults and children over 17 yet it is the #1 prescribed drug for constipation in children. Stay tuned for a blog post and video content coming out from us soon related to this and feel free to reach out to discuss this further with me. |
Ok – pause button on that rant, for now. On to some actual recommended solutions! In an ideal universe (does that exist?) I would’ve filmed videos with some kiddos to make this a more realistic demo. But it’s summer and my kids are all over the place and it just didn’t happen. Please feel free to reply if your kiddo has a specific need and we can get that filmed and sent over. For now, this video of me will have to do. When lying on the ball, it’s no different for adults or children. -Place it in the soft part of the belly between the hip bones horizontally and between the pubic bone and belly button vertically. -Do not put it on the lower ribs or on other bony areas, as that won’t be effective, and we don’t want pressure on the cartilage attachments. -If your child is complaining it’s too much pressure, they can also lie on their backs and put the ball in a tender/tight spot and place your or their hands over the ball and let it sink down into their belly. We often recommend Natural Calm powder as an alternative to Miralax. It is a much safer alternative, and the powder is easier to use a little less or a little more. It also helps avoid leg cramps and can often help with growing pains. Obviously, hydration and overall nutrition critical but anxiety often contributes to constipation and Miralax can exacerbate that. There are many other solutions. Click HERE if interested in the Facebook group Parents against Miralax – they have tons of info and resources. We are here for you and your kiddos. Stay tuned for some more videos over the next few weeks on other fun child-focused tips! https://bit.ly/3x3ZsPl |