It’s a New Year! Welcome in 2023. Hey all, it’s Amy here and I’m so honored to have been able to close out 2022 with you and usher in this new season. We’ve decided to kick off the new year with some stress management tips
I’ve chosen to share a bit more with you about TRE – tension and trauma releasing exercises. Chad McLean guides these sessions here at Healing Space Yoga Studio, but they are also movements and positions you can learn in a few sessions and do on your own as often as needed, which is a very powerful tool to improve awareness, reduce tension and expend extra energy from the body.
Maybe you’re saying to yourself – extra energy??? Amy, are you crazy? I’m trying to HAVE some energy. Well, good news! These movements can also improve your overall energy in 3 powerful ways.
- Improved sleep – when we reduce tension in the body, you will settle into a deeper and more restful sleep.
- Better flow and circulation throughout your body – there will be a general sense of greater ease in the body.
- Awareness and control of your nervous system – if you apply these techniques regularly and use the ones that work for you, you can get extremely skilled at calming your system when it gets ramped up or just for better sleep and sense of calm.
Click HERE to learn more about these sessions or sign up!
TRE – TENSION AND TRAUMA RELEASING EXERCISES Click HERE to listen to Amy’s interview with Chad where we discuss PTSD, TRE and psychedelics as well as learn more about Chad’s company, Mental Joe Apparel.

I’m not saying it happens overnight or that it is completely easy, but I can say that 3 sessions with Chad will teach you the movements and positions, it will give you time to feel what’s working best for you, you will have tools for improved breathing techniques and will be able to apply them to yourself at home to really improve your awareness and have the results I mentioned above.
Call our office at (623) 226-4002 if you have any questions or need help signing up! Click HERE to learn more and find the links to try a session!