Hi all, Jenny here! The following exercises are intended to be starting points and may be helpful for those experiencing core weakness, especially postpartum or after having Diastasis Recti.
At this point, it’s common that you may need lots of cues to help you activate the right muscles. The “TA” contraction, or a deep core stabilizer that should help stabilize both the pelvis and low back will be the first line of defense. The purpose is to have slow purposeful movements that makes sure you are appropriately activating the core musculature.
-Easiest to start lying on your back, moving to sitting, then standing.
-Get comfortable with feeling the muscle turn on/off by putting 1-2 fingertips just on the inside of hip bones (see picture below) and feeling the muscle pop into your hands.
Be stable – the contraction without movement should be solid.
Start slow – When you begin to add movement, start slow and controlled.
One at a time – Start with just one dynamic movement whether it is a march or bicycle (see the video below).
Tips: Build you contraction foundation first! Make sure you can hold the contraction throughout. Don’t move on until you can hold for 10-15 seconds at a time.
Start to bring in general movements like a squat which translates to sitting down and getting up from various heights/surfaces and checking in with control of the core and being able to activate it appropriately.
The video above shows a progression of movement that can translate into various exercises and functional positions. The end goal of a dead bug ultimately translates to walking upstairs, climbing ladders, running, and other general low back and pelvic stabilizing movements.
For the video above, you should be able to complete 10-15 reps without the loss of core contraction before moving on to the next exercise.
Tips: There should be no pain or discomfort! If there is, stop and make sure you are not arching back or compensating strength in other areas (like the hip flexors).
If you are having difficulty, please reach out and let’s get you scheduled with physical therapy to help optimize your exercise progressions!
This information is meant to be educational and instructional. They are not able to diagnose or treat a specific issue and are not a substitute for a professional evaluation.