2 important things – your fascia AND your fluid
Hey all – Amy and Melissa here and we wanted to talk to you a bit about your fascia and what myofascial release is all about. First things first – you not only have the structural fascial system where all your bones, muscles, nerves, etc are embedded within that web, you also have the fluid that is within those tubules of fascia. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so a video must be worth a million or so. Watch and truly soak in the fact that this is inside your entire body.
When there is trauma or inflammation, that fluid can start to go from its normal crystalline fluid to syrup to honey to sap and that thickening affects all of the surrounding structures.
Common restrictions:
- Surgery
- Trauma
- Inflammation
- Loss of Range of Motion
- Pain
- Head Aches
Ok – going deep into the archives for this oldie but goodie stretch filmed in our old space. Enjoy this flashback with us then get deep into your spinal fascia to help your body move better!
Having a spine that moves well is always a good thing. Give this a try and let us know what you’re feeling.
Call our office at (623) 226-4002 if you have any questions or click HERE to learn more about speaking to a therapist!