Do you even know where it went? Your light. Is it dim, bright, on fire? When was the last time you even checked in? Are you surrounded by those who throw water or gasoline on your fire? We all get off track, lose sight of where we were headed, that calling we felt. I hope this helps you find your way back.
I truly believe that for most of this, it likely comes down to TIME! One of my business mentors says to get better answers, you have to ask better questions. Well that involves taking the time to ask those critical questions. What are my dreams? What do I love so much that I lose track of time when I’m doing it? What fills my cup? When do I feel like I’m making a significant contribution? If you’re not asking those questions, chances are you aren’t letting your light shine. How could you possibly without being fueled by passion, creativity, challenges and breakthroughs, none of which come when we are in our comfort zone.