Hey everyone, Emily here! As winter comes to a close and spring rolls around, the sniffles and sore throats seem to be affecting everyone. Here are some different tools I like to use to kick it in the butt.
- Nebulize with 1:3 parts hypochlorus acid and filtered water for 5 minutes 3x a day (picture of nebulizer below)
- Tea with fresh lemon juice, ginger slices, local honey, cloves, and star anise throughout the day
- Hot baths with epsom salt daily
- Cool mist humidifier throughout the night
- Swallow a spoonful of chopped raw garlic cloves with local honey every few hours (yummy picture below)
- Get outside and lay in the sun for 30 minutes

Your body knows how to heal–sometimes it just needs some extra help. Tune in to your body, plan some extra downtime into your schedule, and be sure to get lots of rest.
Check out these links and let us know what you find helpful. We’d also love to hear about your favorite tips and tricks! As always, reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
See you all soon, Emily xx
Call our office at (623) 226-4002 if you have any questions or click HERE to learn more about speaking to a therapist!