Hey all,
Emily here, and this week I wanted to talk about postpartum (PP) supplies. I believe that these are some things you may want to have on hand for a smoother recovery. The first several weeks after giving birth are hard in so many ways–recovering from a huge physically taxing event (birthing a whole human), transitioning from maidenhood to motherhood (if it’s your first baby), navigating the hormonal rollercoaster of postpartum…if we can help ease any part of it, I say let’s try.
I usually see so many women that prepare heavily for their labor and delivery, but don’t put quite as much time towards postpartum recovery prep. My hope is that with this postpartum supply list, you (or someone you know that’s having a baby) can use it to be intentional about the early postpartum phase.
These would make awesome (and useful!!) baby shower gifts (;
P.S. I know this list focuses on recovery from a vaginal birth, but I will send another email that focuses on c-section recovery!
P.P.S. You still bleed vaginally after a c-section and have PP uterine contractions
- nursing pillow
- silver nipple covers
- arnica balm for sore nipples
- haaka
- breastmilk storage bags
- nursing bras
- burp cloths
- disposable cups and plates
- frozen meals
- lots of coconut water and juice
- electrolyte powder and trace minerals (Nectar, Cure, LMNT)
- frida peri bottle
- Claraderm spray from Young Living (perineal healing and cooling)
- Diapers/depends (for bleeding)
- Maxi pads (for bleeding)
- Hemorrhoid wipes/tucks pads (keep in fridge)
- Dermaplast (to help with burning with peeing)
- Padsicles (aloe vera, witch hazel, and lavender oil on a pad and freeze)
- Peppermint oil (smell while peeing to help empty bladder if having trouble)
- Sitz bath with epsom salt or herbs
- Manuka honey (for tears)
- Earth mama perineal spray and salve
- BLG Active Skin Repair spray (for tears)
- Colace, miralax, and magneisum citrate to make pooping easier
Misc. :
- heating pad for abdomen, back, etc
- CBD cream for neck, back, etc
- deep relief roller from Young Living for headaches
- tallow (@smearbybrit) for diaper rashes or dry skin
- mini fridge for nightstand (so you don’t have to walk to kitchen to put milk from haaka in fridge)
- Wishgarden Afterease tincture (relieve PP contraction pain)
- Nightlight by bed for nighttime diaper changes
These videos are meant to be educational and instructional. They are not able to diagnose or treat a specific issue and are definitely not a substitute for a professional evaluation.