I’m so grateful to all of you for how you’ve made Moment of Truth Physical Therapy a success. I couldn’t possibly be more grateful to have a job I love, clients I adore, being able to follow my passion of helping women have more confidence in their own bodies. 2018 has been incredible. 563 sessions, each unique, each remarkable, each a blessing to be part of a healing journey.
2018 brought the addition of Cassie to the practice and that too has been a huge blessing. It’s been my dream to have more connection with our family of clients and Cassie has made that possible in so many ways. From reminder calls, to fixing you a cup of tea, to having more minutes for treatment since she can handle payment and scheduling, helping get out Wellness Wednesdays and our Truth for the Moment Newsletter. I could not do most of that without her.
We’ve also gained our doctoral intern Brittany, who is adding a lot as she learns more about pelvic health and myofascial work. So great to offer 2 sets of hands to our clients and I learn even as I teach, something I love very much. She will be with us through March and know that 2019 will be a very big year for her as well.
And as this year comes to a close, I am filled with gratitude but insane excitement at what I know is coming in 2019. A new space, new opportunities, more services and many more relationships! Creating a space that provides even more support for mamas and babies. Many more details will be coming as things progress and are finalized, but May 2019 will be a monumental month for Moment of Truth Physical Therapy!
We wish you a very safe and happy new year and can’t wait to continue serving you at the highest levels, creating community and family together!