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Have you ever had pain in your pelvic or genital areas? Did you know that treatment is possible through a pelvic health physical therapist?
We discussed this topic and more for this week’s episode of the Weekend Wellness Hour Show with Amy Vander Linden. Amy owns Moment of Truth Physical Therapy and has been a physical therapist for over 20 years with a specialization in pelvic floor health.
We discussed what is meant by “pelvic floor” and the most common conditions she sees for men and women. She explained that treatment can involve both internal and external work in the pelvic area depending on the patient’s comfort.
Amy went through some of the changes that happen when women become pregnant and deliver a baby. She notes she often works with women to undo excessive practice of Kegel exercises. She notes women are often taught to tighten up all the muscles in their pelvic area which leads to some of the problems they are experiencing.
She also went through some of the types of prolapse that can afflict women and why her treatment can help them avoid surgery. We also dove into incontinence and the importance of educating women to not just live with the condition but to seek help and learn how to sense their bodies differently.
Amy stressed the importance of men receiving help for their pelvic health and how the pelvic floor muscles differ in the number of layers compared to women. She explained that both men and women need her help for painful sexual intercourse.
Amy was a wealth of knowledge in this area and has her own podcast called Bellies, Babies, and Birth. She also trains other therapists who want to specialize in this area.
Please join us to learn more about the treatment of pregnancy, incontinence, prolapse and painful intercourse.
Please feel free to reach out to Amy Vander Linden at
-Dr. Amy Novotny
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Dr. Amy Novotny founded the PABR® Institute with the mission to provide pain, stress and anxiety relief to those who seek a naturalistic form of treatment when other treatment methods have fallen short. Her unique approach comes from her experience treating in a variety of settings and with a wide range of patient populations over the past 13 years. Her background in orthopedics, sports, geriatrics, balance disorders, nerve injuries, and most recently, chronic pain; and influences from coursework at the Postural Restoration Institute gave her the foundation to develop this treatment method to address a wide variety of painful and restrictive conditions. She customizes all treatment plans to the individual to help them achieve their goals, whether it is to pick up a child, get through a work day pain free or play a sport. She co-authored two #1 Best-Selling books Don’t Quit: Stories of Persistence, Courage and Faith and Success Habits of Super Achievers, which share her journey on how and why she developed the PABR® Method. She also co-authored Wall Street Journal Best Seller, From WTF to OMG, With a Little LOL: Unpacking Entrepreneurs’ Hidden Lessons. Her ability to speak French and Spanish has allowed her to communicate with and help various clients from all around the world, including France, Mexico, Central America and South America. She has a variety of interests including running 40+ marathons, running 10 ultra marathons (including two 100 milers), completing an Ironman triathlon, photographing wildlife and landscapes all over the world that has led to several of her images being chosen as Photos of the Day, most notably National Geographic Your Shot World Top Photo of the Day. Visit her photography portfolio at!
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