Have you continued to feel a sharp, stabbing pain in the front of your pelvis during your pregnancy? If so, you may be experiencing pubic symphysis pain.
While pubic symphysis pain is normal, it doesn’t have to be something you suffer with throughout your pregnancy. Keep reading to learn what causes pubic symphysis pain and some simple ways you can alleviate pubic symphysis pain in your day-to-day routines.
What Causes Pubic Symphysis Pain?
The pubic symphysis is a joint consisting of a cartilage disc situated between the two sides of the pubic bone. Pubic symphysis pain occurs when the cartilage becomes sheared, twisted, or torqued, causing an intense stabbing pain in your pubic area.
Pubic symphysis pain occurs during pregnancy because of all the changes in your body, like the release of the relaxing hormone. This hormone causes many of the joints in your body to shift, loosen, and relax to make room for the baby.
Many doctors tell women that pubic symphysis pain is just a part of pregnancy, and it will go away once the baby is born. However, that’s not always true.
Often, pubic symphysis pain does not go away after pregnancy. Fortunately, there are easy steps you can follow now and after your pregnancy to relieve, reduce, and prevent pubic symphysis pain.
Simple Ways to Prevent Pubic Symphysis Pain in Your Daily Routine
If you’re not experiencing pubic symphysis pain already, one of the best ways to avoid developing this problem during your pregnancy is to keep your pelvis in optimal alignment.
Here are some super simple ways you can avoid torque on your pubic bone each day, so you can prevent pubic symphysis pain during your pregnancy.
1. Rolling Over in Bed
If you’ve been pregnant for a while, you’re probably spent many nights tossing and turning in bed to find a comfortable position to fall asleep. However, each time you roll over in bed, try to keep your knees aligned as you shift your weight to prevent one leg from pulling and putting tension on the pubic bone. Otherwise, the pain you’re trying to relieve will only worsen.
The same rules apply for getting into and out of bed. Before you get out of bed, roll onto one side and gently place your feet on the floor in a fluid motion, rather than throwing your legs onto the floor one at a time. And before you get into bed, sit on the side of your bed and gently lift your legs to reduce the amount of pressure placed on your pubic bone.
2. Getting Dressed
One of the worst things you can do to aggravate pubic symphysis pain is to stand on one leg—but most women do this every day when they’re getting dressed!
Whenever you’re getting dressed, particularly if you’re putting on pants, shorts, underwear, socks, or any other article of clothing that requires you to stand on one leg, find a place where you can comfortably sit to put these items on instead. You’ll significantly reduce the strain on your adductor (inner thigh) muscles, which pull on your pubic symphysis, so you’ll experience less pubic pain.
3. Getting In & Out of the Car
Like getting into bed, getting in and out of the car may require you to swing one leg in or out before the other, causing the pubic symphysis to experience tension.
When you’re getting into the car, sit on the driver’s seat, put both your legs into the car slowly and deliberately, and then situate your purse and other items in your vehicle. The same goes for getting out of the vehicle. Place both feet outside of the car before putting any weight on them—otherwise, you’ll end up in a half-lunge that puts stress on the pubic symphysis.
As a general rule of thumb, you should never have your knees completely separated when getting out of the car. Make sure to place both feet inside or outside the car before twisting your body or putting any pressure on your legs.
Avoid Pubic Symphysis Pain During Pregnancy with These Easy Tips
Following these simple, quick steps during your day-to-day routine can help you prevent pubic symphysis pain! Even if you just found out you’re pregnant, changing these small habits can drastically minimize your pain levels during and after your pregnancy.
To discover more about managing pubic symphysis pain, watch this video with exercises to relieve pubic symphysis pain, or schedule your free discovery session with the knowledgeable team at Moment of Truth Physical Therapy in Phoenix, Arizona!