The perineum. What is it? Where is it? How does it relate to pelvic pain, childbirth and your activities? Pain with sitting, sex and exercise or even just general pelvic pain can at times be caused by the perineum. Watch the video and I’ll explain more.
- childbirth
- episiotomy
- pelvic surgery
- cycling, dancing, gymnastics
- falls, tailbone injuries
These can all be reasons that the perineum might be tight, inflamed or need treatment. It’s easy to get to and doesn’t actually involve internal work and can impact all 3 layers of the pelvic floor. Remember, we have a free discovery session if you’d like to come talk about you specifically! 623-226-4002 or click here to request online.
These videos are meant to be educational and instructional. They are not able to diagnose or treat a specific issue and are definitely not a substitute for a professional evaluation.
This kind of education is SO important. Thank you!
Thanks lady! Love the support and yes, we need to provide more info!