
Hello beautiful souls! I am sending each and every one of you so much love and “MERRY” on this day which by definition means cheer and joy regardless of what you are celebrating or not celebrating today. First off, thank you if you are taking the time to read this if you are reading on Christmas morning- I always feel so flattered and get so excited when people tell me they actually read my emails! So, THANK YOU.

Today, I wanted to talk about honoring your season. Wherever you may be at as a living being. Most of us are in our fall/winter, season of grief, struggles, endings.The Winter Solstice this year was Saturday, December 21st. The winter solstice is the day when the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Isn’t it ironic how the holidays trigger for us mentally a very “GO GO GO” energy when everything in our physical body is telling us to do the opposite…To rest, maybe take a nap. I very much think this is why so many of us get sick around this time of year is because we try to push or resist our natural intuitive inclinations for later time. Who needs sleep when you have coffee? (I am just as guilty) Our wise bodies are just in tune with nature.

Our circadian rhythm naturally shifts with the changing seasons, earlier sleep times in winter with shorter days and later sleep times in summer with longer days. This leads to variations in melatonin production and overall sleep patterns. We all know how our sleep affects our moods or maybe you needed that reminder. Yes, there is a reason why you are so freaking tired, honor it! Because you are meant to rest and pause at this point in time, look inward. Take advantage of the darkness, release negativity from the past year (or years) and set intentions for the coming year. With endings comes new beginnings.

What foundations/roots do you want to scrap? Are these roots truly even YOURS and do you want them to be? What do you want to come to fruition? The beautiful thing about the Winter Solstice is we have already seen the darkest day, it is only up from here! Gradual increase in daylight and the sun exposure from here on out. So what are you wanting to nurture and grow? Now is the time to be mindful in the dark and FEEL into it. Where do we start? What are we noticing that needs attention and nurturing? Start tending to your soil. The winter serves a purpose. Roots before fruits!

As we bid farewell to the festive season and the darker days, lets move forward to the blossoming days of spring! Wishing you all a joyful transition and a fresh start. See you in the fruitful new year!

Much love, 

Theresa and the Moment of Truth Team!

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