Can I just start by saying how awesome the outfit is of the woman in our heading picture? Anyway, on to the better fun of our amazing pup day. It was fun bringing Honey to the office and watching her guard the office, looking out the front window. I tried to keep her out when we did this and that failed so I gave her a chance to lay with me and well, here was the result!
So from kneeling to one knee to staggered feet to stacked feet, side planks are a great way to work the core differently. You don’t HAVE to have a dog to be able to do this but it’s definitely a bit more fun and more challenging. Try it out, let us know what you think and please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
You can NOW connect with us on Instagram @MomentofTruthPT for more fun tips and videos.
These videos are meant to be educational and instructional. They are not able to diagnose or treat a specific issue and are definitely not a substitute for a professional evaluation.