
In this video we share a simple self-technique to aid in digestion when you are feeling a bit gut sluggish.

As a lot of us are traveling during the summer, kids are home from school and meals might look a little different. Our bodies may feel these changes as stressor, and we might notice the body tension within our digestion system. Also, we live in Arizona and know that it is hot, which means we need extra water to aid our bodies.

This video explains a quick clockwise movement to perform to your belly tracing the large intestine and the natural movement. Ending with a spinal twist right to left opening and pumping our intestines.

Starting at your right hip moving up to your rib cage, across right to left lower ribs, down your left ribs to left hips and back to your right hip. Making this circle/box shape several times, with addition of full filling breaths to soften your belly. Sit tall and twist to the right and then to the left.

If you are still noticing digestion issues, please mention when we see you next, we can discuss ways we can help.

Click here to listen to Melissa explain more on digestion help:


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