TRE Sessions
Every Thursday at 7:15pm

TRE® or Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (or TRE®) is based on the fundamental idea, backed by research, that stress, tension, and trauma is both psychological and physical. TRE®’s reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing. After doing TRE®, many people report feelings of peace and well-being. TRE® has helped many thousands of people globally.

TRE was created by Dr. David Berceli. Dr. Berceli is an international expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution as it can release stored emotions from the body.

Whether you are a parent/spouse who would like more patience with your family, a victim of violence or accident, a soldier suffering with PTSD, an athlete, or simply a person who wants to become more resilient and just feel better in life, you can benefit from TRE®.
Puppy Yoga
Saturday, June 1st @12:30pm-3:30pm

Back by popular demand, we are offering 2 puppy yoga classes as a fundraiser for the Puppy Luv Rescue where 50% of the proceeds from class will go to the Rescue. They are also in need of the following donations. Anyone who brings items to donate will receive an entry into a drawing for a 1 hours massage or a 5 class punchcard to yoga!
  • Old sheets, 
  • towels or blankets
  • Costco puppy food Diamond puppy food
  • Puppy pads
  • Bleach Clorox Wipes
  •  Disposable gloves
  •  Sandwich and gallon baggies
  •  Poop disposal baggies
  •  Pill pockets
  •  Trash bags
  •  Gerber baby food
  • chicken or turkey
  • Medium or large wire pens

 There will be 12 signup spots for each time slot. Please only pick 1 spot. 5-6 dogs will be available during each session and 5-6 dogs will also be outside to greet, snuggle and hopefully adopt!
**Dogs are provided, no personal animals allowed!**
**Full $25 drop-in for each ticket; passes, memberships, class passes will not be applicable for this event as it is a FUNDRAISING event!